Thursday, July 21, 2011

Facebook--The 13th Grade

Facebook is life after high school, and better referred to as: the 13th grade. Don't get me wrong, Facebook can be used for many purposes; like interacting with people across the world and networking for occupational purposes; but it can also be abused by people's narcissistic ways. While I am guilty of both pleasures, I would like to examine why Facebook has become a household topic, and the reason for peoples unstable mental stability.

I'll admit, I was a Facebook whore! I would catch myself checking the newsfeed every 30 minutes and stalking my enemies on a daily basis. I even became depressed, because I would view "glamourous" things my friends were doing, and felt my social escapades were not up to "par." Needless to say, Facebook was taking over my life and I didn't realize it. So I took a break, and realized how many pet peeves I had. Thus the inspiration for this blog;  to analyze how Facebook can be an egotistical playground for insecure human beings. 

1. Check ins-- Remember when you bragged to your friends about your cool weekend plans in high school? Well I feel like "check-in" is the adult version of that! Not only do you give people geographic access to your location, but also have the opportunity to boast about your fun. Don' get me wrong, I think "checking in" at Cabo, Mexico, or a funky bar with friends is fine. But what's not cool is checking in at your home or grocery store! GuESS WHAT? I don't care that you're "Getting a diet coke"--@ Wal-Mart. Do you think its cool your at Wal-Mart, because its not; its really really not!  Don't abuse the "check in" application, instead utilize it for cool purposes only!

2. Relationship status-- This Facebook pet peeve is simple, either you are single, in a relationship, engaged/married. Unless you are noticeably joking, posting any other status is EMBARRASSING. No one needs to know your relationship is complicated. In fact, instead of posting "it's complicated" why don't you get off FB and go work on it?

3. Pokes- It's an understood rule that when the opposite sex playfully hits/touches you, it's considered flirting. I guess that's Zuckerberg's purpose to the "POKE"; an indirect way of flirting via cyber space.  None of my "friends" poke me;  it's typically people whom I ignore or do not associate with. So I'm confused by this feature because I feel it's a little stalkerish, and could be considered cyber sexual harassment. (Kidding) But seriously, people should skip the poke, and post a simple hello via wall or message.

4.Tagging-  Is it just me, or do you get tagged in the tackiest advertisements that have no relevance to you? Like the ugly Nike and bootleg Christian Louboutin shoes, or the girl (whose's half naked) posing in the bathroom, and not to mention the cheap club promotions with fake celebrities.  Last time I checked I did not look like a shoe, I'm not a slut, and I only attend clubs; not promote them. So save yourself the time and stop tagging people in these ridiculous post. 

5. Angry Post-- I find it crucial not to vent on FB, because it makes you look pathetic. Somethings are okay, (when balanced with comical relief) but if you are having baby mama/daddy trouble,  FB is not the place to air their laundry. I would suggest waiting an hour to let your emotions subdue, then take to Facebook with a more reasonable approach. (& I'm writing this from experience)

6. Glamours Life Style--No one has a perfect life, not even Angelina Jolie. So I find it interesting how people try to make their lives seem so much better than others. I get very annoyed when people post pictures with fabulous captions, then have the audacity to text me crying about their problems. Why would you want to portray your life as something it's not? If you just bought a new home, and leased a new car; yet your credit cards are maxed out and your stressed, then why post how wonderful your life is? I'm glad to know when good things are happening to people, but be true to yourself, because people can smell fraudulent a mile away. 

7. "Like" I am almost certain people on FB can't read,  because I  don't understand how you can like a status that states "attending my grandfathers funeral" "just lost my job" and "I have herpes". If you are liking things like this, please visit and look up "like". 

While the sensational movie Social Network intertwined the Hollywood aspect to Mark Zuckerberg innovation, it also highlighted his motive: for people to be socialites, vein, and incredibly entertaining--all in the same token. (Are you guilty of this pleasure?) -LisH

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