Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dysfunctional People

Do you ever feel as though some things in life just DON'T make sense. I am really questionable as to how some adults are able to live alone without supervision. Within the past year I have seen people do the unspeakable and would like to the opportunity to share these escapades with you.

Lets start with my recent tangent: trip to the ghetto Dunkin Donuts. Mental picture, I am placing my usual order at drive thru a medium ice carmel swirl,  cream,  and two sweet and low. Simple enough huh?
"We outs of coffee?" replies the hood-rat.
Considering I am at place whose majority menu is coffee,  I assume I heard wrong. I reply with "Excuse me, what?" and once again he replies with "Ma'ma we outs of coffee, what else you want?"
Mind you I've NOT had my caffeine fix, and a little on edge. I decide to pull my ghetto-ness out and reply "WHAT ELSE CAN YOU SERVE? You are known for Coffee!?
In the mist of my diva moment, I pull off only to notice the person in front of me was "on foot" getting food thru the "DRIVE THRU".
Pretty sure it's a called a DRIVE thru for a reason... You NEED a car,  otherwise you would simply go inside. On that note I had to just leave the hood, and head back to what I know best... THE SUBURBS--where I found a Starbucks! :)

I am also aggravated with advertisements that play on emotions. For instance, the one with the battered animals pleading for viewers to spend only $19 a month to save a life. Is it bad that when I am at the mall about to buy clothes, the commercial comes across my mind. I have fallen victim to donating...TWICE! And not to mention the starving children in other countries. I swear they run that ad more during the hours of 6-9 p.m. (dinner time), because every time I about to devour a nice meal; a skeletal kid appears on TV and I'm suddenly full--of GUILT!

Out of sight, out of mind. Right? (WRONG!) When at a restaurant, I typically do not think about how my food is prepared. I just imagine cooks using gloves, and preparing my food in the most sanitized way. Well let me share a personal experience I had at a food joint the other day. (I will not disclose the name for slander/defamation purposes.) So I'm in my fav food joint getting my regular (vegetarian bowl) and notice one of the cooks sweating profusely. Considering its over a 100 degree's outside, I dismiss the fact he isn't wearing a hat to ensure the sweat doesn't get in food (gross, I know.)
All of a sudden this man has the NERVE to dig in his booty and pull out a wedgie; THEN continue to prepare the meat. Well anyone who knows my obsession with health concerns understands I did NOT take this lightly. I immediately screamed "OH HELL NO" and jumped line  to speak with the gentlemen.
I asked if he noticed people could see him and his sweaty forehead; not to mention he was digging in his booty preparing food! He looked embarrassed (as he should be) and apologized. I replied, "don't be sorry, just wash your hands!" The manager offered to give me a free meal, but I explained he would need to give EVERYONE a free meal, along with a barf bag! I refused to eat the food, and left the store feeling empowered. Needless to say, I RARLEY eat out anymore, and encourage you to look at the people preparing your food.

 I wish these stories were made up,but unfortunately people are just this dumb and nasty! While these are only a FEW crazy stories, I encourage you to share as well. I find it therapeutic and entertaining. -LisH

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