Sunday, November 4, 2012

Know Your Worth

Ever feel like you give 100% and people take advantage of that? Whether you are the person who dedicates unpaid extra hours at work and overlooked for promotions; or the friend whom everyone calls but get their voicemail 7 out of 10 times. Regardless of the scenario I think it's safe to say giving your all is disappointing when you only receive 20% back.

As a child I would watch my father do noble acts and receive nothing in return. Like build a 100 yard garden filled with vegetables, then spend his downtown maintaining it which was expensive.  I was confused when people picked his produce and he never asked for money. I would ask why he did nice things for people that never did for him, and he responded "I do because I can and I will always give if I have."

So here I am following suit. Anyone who knows my family can vouch we are kind. But sometimes people take kindness for weakness, and that is something I have a problem with.  So for everyone who is tired of being the person who gives their best yet never receives in return this BLOG IS FOR YOU.

Lately I've watched people do the most tacky and toxic things. In fact it's the kind of behavior you would expect from high school kids, but not adults. I thought people stopped gossiping and backstabbing after 23, but I find it's not an age issue; more a maturity thing. I work in corporate America and see people do unethical things just to get ahead, which makes me question if I should re evaluate my own character to move forward? Not to mention I had "friends" whom smile in your face over lunch, yet spread your business by dinner.

I had almost accepted this was natural behavior by humans,  but now I've realized you have the choice to allow that negativity in your life. I see why people have few friends they trust, because there are a lot of selfish individuals in the world. Look I was NEVER good at playing follow the leader, so if I see someone that screams unloyal, dishonest, and conniving I will be the first to walk away. I believe in the Law of Attraction, and if you surround yourself with negativity eventually that is all you will reap.

So there is no need to settle in life. If you want to maintain giving 100% that is fine, BUT by no means let people take advantage of that. Be strong and know when to stick up for yourself by acknowledging and confronting people.  If someone (co workers, friends, family) can't see your worth, then they are NOT worth your time.  I think Albert Einstein said it the best:

So never feel guilty about giving your all or being happy, rather surround yourself with people whom appreciate it. -LisH

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