Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall into FashioN!

Football season is here, and the crispy brisk wind is arriving to stay. Only one word to describe this: FALL.  If the weather is changing so is your wardrobe. No need to worry, you can recycle some of your favorites. This blog has all the details you need to prepare for your seasonal change (INCLUDING WINTER) at a budget price!

First thing:
Get a box and determine what will stay, and what shall GO! When sifting through your clothes think two things: soft and subtle. You want to steer clear of bright colors, (like fluorescent) and focus on warm ( brown, pumpkin orange, black). A few things you can take from your summer closet are 
  • blue jean shorts
  • summer dresses
  • long tank tops
  • skirts
  • stripe shirts (DOUBLE PLUS!) 

Now, to make these items work, we need a few accessories from the store. 
Tights/stockings (these will be your new BEST FRIEND)
Close toe flats 
Pair of black pumps

Ladies, these few things can make a tremendous tribute to your closet. Sometimes we get overwhelmed trying to pair things, but truth is; simple can be the sexiest-- just OWN your look!  So grab jeans, shirt, add a jacket and black shoes; and conquer your day! 

Below are a few looks from Fashion and Beauty Tips, for Fall. Click HERE to check out more. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

To speak or not to speak, is the question.

Is it just me, or do people take the "truth" as an insult. Everyone says they're real; but truth is, they are REAL fake. People claim they can handle the truth, but the minute you speak your mind; all hell breaks loose.

I want to discuss the topic of honesty, because every individual has been in the situation where you were blurting the truth, or taking brutal honesty. While I've played each role, I can not say I've performed the best reactions in either dilemma. Regardless, I've decided talking and getting feedback may be a great remedy in reaching a kosher approach.

Ever heard the saying, "it's not what you say, it's how you say it?"  That's the golden rule when approaching any sticky situation.

For instance, ever had a friend/girlfriend ask if an outfit made her look fat? (God forbid she end with "be honest, you won't hurt my feelings") You do not want to say yes, because that will make her insecure; but you also don't want her looking like shamoo's twin. So what do you do? Simple, tell a "white lie."
First, you answer the question by stating:
"Girl, you do NOT look fat" (emphasis the not)
and quickly throw in,
"I think you would look sexier in," and name the first top that pops in your head.
In this situation, a lie is necessary because telling a girl she's fat is a NO NO. However, the next time you notice something unhealthy point it out nonchalantly. Like when getting food,
"hmmm think we should opt for a healthy breakfast verse fast food this morning"
This balances out the lie, and she will totally thank you for it when she's sliding in her skinny jeans! :)

That is an easy (probably redundant) scenario, but what about the instances in which we're caught off guard.
Like your best friend whom you love to death; but want to slap when they're in a diva mode. I'll recall a specific scenario; but change the names for privacy purposes.

Once upon a time there was a girl name Tia who had a friend named Anna. Now Anna and Tia weren't best friends, but they hung out with a group of people that were their best friends. Tia was very cautious not to hang out with Anna, because Anna's best friends would bad mouthed her. They never said Anna was conniving, just narcissistic and immature. One day Tia and Anna were hanging out, and Tia got a big whiff of Anna's BULL CRAP. Without thinking, Tia gave Anna two dosefuls of reality in the best way possible. In that moment, they were 2 things that could happen:

1. Anna could be mature, and talk about the situation
2. Anna could b$#% slap Tia

Luckily Anna chose route number one, and thanked Tia for being honest. She apologized if she acted immature and selfish, but she was more baffled her best friends were acting two faced. At the end of the conversation, Tia and Anna were closer than ever, due to the fact Tia was able to express the truth (in a polite manner), and Anna respected her honesty.

Every time I think back to this situation, I can't help but smile at how REAL people are able to take criticism. I encourage people to start being honest, so it alleviates the drama in real life. Lets face it, we are not going to like everything about everybody, but when something is bothering you-- speak up. Mature people can respect honesty. Let the immature scoundrels remain egotistical and naive. -LisH

Monday, September 5, 2011

Time-outs: Making relationships easier

Do you have that special someone or certain friend you would do ANYTHING for? Short on cash you spot them, car breaks down you lend them a ride, and not to mention the late night tearful phone calls. These acts decipher the relationship between acquaintances and friends. 
But lets face it, sometimes people ( no matter who they are: family, friends, spouse) get on your DAMN nerves; and for that God invented “Time outs”!  Time outs are the exact act you need when the person you care for is out of line or annoying. Time outs  typically last anywhere from two days to two weeks, and in this time period you miss the person and appreciate them all over again.
Time out sessions are necessary for these relationships because a majority of the situations in which you are aggravated are due to the persons faults or personality traits. Meaning, they didn’t necessarily do anything (terribly) wrong, but their actions are intolerable and bug the heck out of you. 
Instances this applies to:
The: best friends, people you party with, co- worker genre--
Everyone has a best friend in which you do everything together; get drinks, shop, gym ect. Yet sometimes they say or do things which makes you look at them like “OMG you are annoying me, please shut the hell up!”  
I use the word look because you wouldn’t dare tell a good friend they are aggravating you; when they're simply being a friend. A good example of this is the friend who complains to you each week about how their spouse is cheating on them wrong; and each week you give them the same advice. Low and behold, they come crying to you the next week with the same problem, and you are sick and tired of listening to the bull. Instead of explaining how you give the same advice over and over,  let a time out heal the situation and distance yourself from the person. Maybe you can appreciate the persons struggle when you don't hear it so often. 
Now sometimes people (including yourself) perform selfish acts, in which we feel terrible afterwards. This could be dating a best friends ex, missing an important event, or telling a deep secret. Instead of writing the relationship off--give it a time out.  For instance, have you ever had one to many drinks and said something to your friend that was true, but it came out the wrong way?Instead of apologizing to the friend a thousand times, send a nice email, and expect a time out! Eventually they will have time to build trust, and will come with the next juicy gossip! 

Life is to short to hold grudges, and be mad! Apply the timeout method to the people who really matter; and let karma deal with the rest! -LisH