Sunday, August 21, 2011

Situational Dillema's

I tend to think some actions should have automatic reactions, but I'm finding it's  quite an opinionated world. When I give advice to my friends, I notice it's different from other people's thoughts. I would like people to comment on a topic, see if we have a similar theory.

For this blog, please comment (@ BOTTOM OF PAGE) how you feel about the following situation. There is no right or wrong answer, just the beauty of indifference.

Is it ever okay to date your BEST-FRIENDS (serious) ex?


Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Date Wardrobe

Ladies, before a date do you rampage through your closet looking for sexy outfit? Are you torn between your skinny jeans and fitted tee, or maxi dress with sandals? No matter what decision, your ultimate goal is to accentuates all your assets! 

As I've been dining out, I've found myself analyzing couples "first date" wardrobes. Some girls look uncomfortable fidgeting with their top, while others appear they took tips from their 80 year old grandmother.  So say goodbye to your ballerina flats, and get ready to accompany a sizzling outfit that will have your date biting their lip. 

Lunch Date-- 
For a "day date" don't doll it up to much; but DON'T let the girl next to you look better. The trick: give yourself an out on the city look.  If it's summer, opt for a cute sun dress. These are readily available at Charlotte Rouse or Forever 21 at ridiculously low prices.
Forever 21
Accessorize it with popping jewelry, and give your hair an "out of bed" look.
Forever 21

Forever 21

Forever 21

Dinner Date-
Now Dinner is a little more difficult. You want to be presentable if he takes you somewhere elegant; yet sexy for the drink scene. This solution is simple: the infamous LBD! (Little Black Dress) No girl can go wrong with this, and trust me: he will want you after hello.
For the first date you need an LBD that screams " look at me" in a subtle way. For dresses like this there is one place to go: Victoria Secret!

Victoria Secret
Once again, you want a dress that allows you to blend in with a crowd... but  gives you and undeniable sex appeal. ( SAME dress!)
Victoria Secret

Don't stop there-- accessorize with eye popping shoes and clutch!

"Anytime of the day" outfit-
If there is one thing you should have in your closet it's...

  • Pair of skinny's
  • 3 in heels
  • Flattering Tee
  • Cute handbag 

This section is really simple. There should always be a top in your wardrobe that fits you perfectly. Pair that with your skinnys, a cute hand bag, and you are good to go!

Ladies that's it. You should no longer be rocking frumpy outfits out on the town. All of these fab catches are under a $100.00. So get to shoppng, and make that man come begging for more! -LisH

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The 3 W's to a Sexy Self EsteeM

Has anyone experienced the "Debbie Downer" friend who has nothing positive to say? I am referring to the the person you greet "Good morning" and they reply "oh yea, whats so good about it?" These people drive me crazy and I find they need a lifestyle makeover! After following Alisha's 3 majical W's

  • Work
  • Weight 
  • Wardrobe

One will start to see results and feel rejuvenated.

First aspect: WORK
Are you depressed every Monday morning? Well ladies and gentlemen, this is called "hatemyjob- i-tis" and the diagnosis is: quit. People are unhappy with their lives because they can not find a successful career. While quitting may not be the best option, it will force you to look for new alternatives. I am saying this because I myself went through it.

Everyday I woke up, feeling as though my life was crumbling, and my job had no relevance to my future. So I quit and was a on a serious hunt for a   CAREER. I spent  everyday looking and finally got an offer at a Fortune 5oo Fashion Merchandising position.

If you are feeling the same way, then make a difference now. Make it a point to only apply for jobs you would enjoy waking up too. The new challenge will alleviate that nasty tension, and eventually you will start to see a positive break though.

Second aspect: WEIGHT!
I know this is a touchy topic, but it's one I need to address. Typically people are upset with their "love life" (which is a major factor to happiness) when they feel their body image is not palatable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but have you heard this?

"I don't feel sexy anymore"
"I used to be prettier"
"I want abs like the model on the magazine."

If you are struggling with weight issues and feel you don't look sexy, stop complaining and do something about it. Feeling sexy is an important factor to a healthy self esteem. When you take pride in your appearance, you will start to build confidence; and that is a beautiful trait!

Anyone who knows me will validate I've always been outgoing and fun; but deep inside I was self conscience and overweight. Thank God for my brother, because he gave me the golden ticket to feeling fabulous: a gym membership.

The first couple of weeks I started off slow and would get on the elliptical for twenty minutes. After a month my brother inspired me with a few words:
            "You work out for 20 minutes, you're gonna get 20 minute results. You work out for an hour, you will get hour results. The decision is yours."

After that I took the initiative to eat right and exercise. Two years later I've lost 10 pounds and toned  many areas. More importantly I have confidence, which has led me to build great relationships.

So take my word and start exercising. While you may not see results over night, you will definitely start to feel better about yourself (which is all that matters!) Start by hitting the elliptical while watching your favorite show; I promise you will thank me later! :)

Coco Chanel sums up the last section, with a simple quote "I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness."  

Everyday I am surrounded by beautiful men and women; it brings me joy they take pride in themselves. While both factors (work and weight) are important, wardrobe is ultimately the icing on the cake. Mock my words when I say: sweats were created for laying around the house, and should rarely be worn in public. Also, one should retire some clothing after two years, and hide it back of closet until it becomes a vintage piece. I have 5 easy steps that will give your closet (and self esteem) a make over. 

1. Recycle-- Let's say you don't have the money to shop, after all we are recovering from a recession. Easy, create a swap session with friends your size. Simply bring clothes in good condition, and switch anything that accentuates your body. More friends, the merrier. 

2. Sales, Sales, Sales-- Whether its Wal-Mart or Gay Lords.. hit the sales rack! You will be surprised at how some items are fashionably trending at an affordable price. 

3. Outlet Stores- Find it hard to keep up with your friends designer fetish? Secret: Hit the outlets stores for a extremely discounted price. Check out google for the nearest mall with top brand stores, and head over on a  random weekend. 

4. Treasure Hunt-- Another great option is TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or Ross. While you may have to hunt until you find what you need, there are great outfits at low prices

5 .Thrift Shop-- Don't knock  it till you try it. I have found the coolest vintage attire when hitting  Salvation Army. Tip: Hit the stores in richer areas; people tend to donate name brand clothes in great condition.

There you have it, simple steps to starting your new life. This Sunday grab a glass of wine, notepad, and start planning how you are going to change for the best!-LisH